We will be enjoying some nice Spring weather soon, and it will be necessary for maintenance to fertilize the grass. We will give you some notice before we do this. Those of you who have small children and pets will want to take special caution to stay off the grass until the fertilizer has had a chance to work it's way into the ground.
During the week of March 16th - 20th, Maintenance will be making the rounds to inspect the dryer vent hose in every unit. At the same time, he will be changing out furnace filters again. After this, we will send out a reminder to tenants when it is time for YOU to change filters in the future. Maintenance personnel will be putting instructions on each furnace. Depending on other maintenance needs, we anticipate Ted to need access to your units on the following schedule:
March 16th & 17th 1428 - 1440 McKittrick
March 17th & 18th 1410 - 1428 McKittrick
March 18th & 19th 1602 - 1682 Stella
You are welcome to be in attendance during these maintenance tasks. If you are not home, we will use our management key to access your units so we can access the dryer vents and change out the filter in the furnace. Please remember NOT to overload the dryers. Your clothes will dry much faster (costing you less in electricity expenses) and the units will last much longer.
We still have not installed all of the peepholes... so don't think we have forgotten. We are a little behind, but we will soon be caught up.
We are seeing much improvement on parking issues, the disposal of cigarette butts, animal droppings and other debris on the grounds. For that we thank you all very very much.
Please make all rent checks to: Willinger Real Estate
Everything we do as your management company is intended to make your life at Parkside more pleasant and to control maintenance costs so we can avoid rent increases. We appreciate everyone's cooperation toward that goal!
If you do need to contact us, please call the office number if it is not an issue that needs immediate attention: 470-6012. If it is something needing immediate attention, please text message or call Carol at 670-7840. Text messages are preferred.
You are welcome to be in attendance during these maintenance tasks. If you are not home, we will use our management key to access your units so we can access the dryer vents and change out the filter in the furnace. Please remember NOT to overload the dryers. Your clothes will dry much faster (costing you less in electricity expenses) and the units will last much longer.
We still have not installed all of the peepholes... so don't think we have forgotten. We are a little behind, but we will soon be caught up.
We are seeing much improvement on parking issues, the disposal of cigarette butts, animal droppings and other debris on the grounds. For that we thank you all very very much.
Please make all rent checks to: Willinger Real Estate
Everything we do as your management company is intended to make your life at Parkside more pleasant and to control maintenance costs so we can avoid rent increases. We appreciate everyone's cooperation toward that goal!
If you do need to contact us, please call the office number if it is not an issue that needs immediate attention: 470-6012. If it is something needing immediate attention, please text message or call Carol at 670-7840. Text messages are preferred.
For customized service, contact the Willinger Real Estate Team:
Carol Williams CarolWilliams@charter.net
Shelley Granger ShelleyGranger@charter.net
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Willinger Real Estate (& Property Management)
1642 Stella Ave., #1 * Wenatchee, WA 98801
Office: 509-470-6012
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