The furnace filters were all replaced on schedule this passed week. This will improve the efficiency of your furnace and help keep your heating bills as low as possible.
Our maintenance supervisor has marked each unit with the filter size, an arrow for the direction of air flow and the date of replacement. These are 90 days filters and should be replaced again in the Spring. These filters cost less than $5 and you, as tenants and owners, should replace them on a regular basis to keep your furnace functioning properly and reduce your electric bills.
We also replaced ALL of the entryway lights with CFL (compact fluorescent) bulbs. This should reduce our energy consumption and last longer than regular bulbs.
We have had some requests for peepholes in the main doors. He is putting together a quote for this. This is optional, but let us know if you are interested in having a peephole in your entry door. If you have our maintenance guy do the work, we will allow it to be done. I don't expect it to cost too much, especially if we can have him do several in one day.
Also, we are trying to get Waste Management to bring a different dumpster for the lower units (Stella and lower McKittrick)... one with a latch so the lid can be propped open. We realize this bin is tall and difficult for many of you to hold the door open while throwing garbage in the dumpster. Please, do everything possible to NOT leave bags outside the dumpster. Stray animals love these bags full of "candy". Also, please break down cardboard boxes before putting them into the dumpsters. Empty cardboard boxes waste space in the dumpster.
As always, if you see things that need to be addressed in the complex, let us know. We need to be conscious of costs but want Parkside to be a place where you are proud to live. Anything you can do to help, such as keeping your own entryway clean, aids us in keeping costs down and keeping holding rents as low as possible.
Happy Holidays,

Your Willinger Real Estate Property Management Team:
Carol Williams CarolWilliams@charter.net
Shelley Granger ShelleyGranger@charter.net
Office phone: 509-470-6012
Emergency phone: 509-670-7840
Our maintenance supervisor has marked each unit with the filter size, an arrow for the direction of air flow and the date of replacement. These are 90 days filters and should be replaced again in the Spring. These filters cost less than $5 and you, as tenants and owners, should replace them on a regular basis to keep your furnace functioning properly and reduce your electric bills.
We also replaced ALL of the entryway lights with CFL (compact fluorescent) bulbs. This should reduce our energy consumption and last longer than regular bulbs.
We have had some requests for peepholes in the main doors. He is putting together a quote for this. This is optional, but let us know if you are interested in having a peephole in your entry door. If you have our maintenance guy do the work, we will allow it to be done. I don't expect it to cost too much, especially if we can have him do several in one day.
Also, we are trying to get Waste Management to bring a different dumpster for the lower units (Stella and lower McKittrick)... one with a latch so the lid can be propped open. We realize this bin is tall and difficult for many of you to hold the door open while throwing garbage in the dumpster. Please, do everything possible to NOT leave bags outside the dumpster. Stray animals love these bags full of "candy". Also, please break down cardboard boxes before putting them into the dumpsters. Empty cardboard boxes waste space in the dumpster.
As always, if you see things that need to be addressed in the complex, let us know. We need to be conscious of costs but want Parkside to be a place where you are proud to live. Anything you can do to help, such as keeping your own entryway clean, aids us in keeping costs down and keeping holding rents as low as possible.
Happy Holidays,

Your Willinger Real Estate Property Management Team:
Carol Williams CarolWilliams@charter.net
Shelley Granger ShelleyGranger@charter.net
Office phone: 509-470-6012
Emergency phone: 509-670-7840