To: ALL Parkside Wenatchee Tenants
As your new Property Management company we want to be responsive to your needs. We DO want to hear from you but have a few guidelines we'd like you to follow.
As your new Property Management company we want to be responsive to your needs. We DO want to hear from you but have a few guidelines we'd like you to follow.
Shelley and I are both busy and will appreciate you respecting our time. Unless you have a need that requires immediate attention, please do not call our cell phones. If you do have an urgent need, we prefer text messages to our phones. Carol 509-670-7840. Shelley 509-670-3867.
For non-urgent matters, we prefer you send an e-mail, write comments in this blog... or leave a message at the office number (470-6012) Do not hesitate to leave a comment on the blog because I get automatically notified whenever a comment is posted. I WILL get your comment.
To leave a comment, go to the bottom of any post. There is a white box. On the right side of the white box there is an image of a pencil. Next to the pencil it shows how many comments have been left. Click on that comment link and you can make your post. You can comment anonymously, but if you are making comments that you don't want to sign, I suggest you either don't post it or send me a private e-mail. We want this blog to be a positive experience for everyone (especially me)! Nobody likes a crabby property manager. :-)
Wenatchee Property Management team:
Carol Williams
Shelley Granger
Office phone: 509-470-6012
Emergency phone: 509-670-7840 (Carol's cell)
Current Wenatchee real estate news, info and trends
For non-urgent matters, we prefer you send an e-mail, write comments in this blog... or leave a message at the office number (470-6012) Do not hesitate to leave a comment on the blog because I get automatically notified whenever a comment is posted. I WILL get your comment.
To leave a comment, go to the bottom of any post. There is a white box. On the right side of the white box there is an image of a pencil. Next to the pencil it shows how many comments have been left. Click on that comment link and you can make your post. You can comment anonymously, but if you are making comments that you don't want to sign, I suggest you either don't post it or send me a private e-mail. We want this blog to be a positive experience for everyone (especially me)! Nobody likes a crabby property manager. :-)

Wenatchee Property Management team:
Carol Williams
Shelley Granger
Office phone: 509-470-6012
Emergency phone: 509-670-7840 (Carol's cell)
Current Wenatchee real estate news, info and trends
1 comment:
Its really great concept chosen in this post. This includes lot of interesting information which is really useful to everyone.
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