We are taking orders for peepholes to be installed in your doors. Total cost is $25 each (parts and labor). That is a great price. If you want to be put on the installation list, please leave a check or money order (made out to Willinger Real Estate) for $25 in the office box by the end of the week (Friday Dec 12th) and we will purchase the peepholes and set up an installation schedule. This is purely optional.
We have been working diligently, since taking over management, and are pretty well caught up on maintenance tasks and grounds clean-up before winter sets in. Two caveats are that we continue to have a problem with discarded cigarette butts and animal droppings on the grounds. We should not have to pay anyone to do this kind of clean-up. If you have a pet, please pick up after it. If you smoke, dispose of the butts properly. No explanation necessary. If it continues to be a problem we will need to make a special assessment to smokers and pet owners. You are responsible for the actions of your visitors as well.
For the Stella and lower McKittrick units, we have placed a new garbage bin onsite… one with arms to hold the lids open during the day. This will free up both your hands to put garbage in the bin. Ted also placed a couple of bricks in front of the bin to aid short people. Again, please remember to break down empty boxes before placing them in the dumpsters. This is going to be even more critical during the holiday season!
I am still getting complaints about parking. Please, please, please be respectful of other people’s parking spaces. And, inform your visitors where your assigned spaces are. Even if you know of a spot that is rarely used, if it is not assigned to your unit, do not use it. Every tenant has two assigned spaces and has the right to expect the use of both of their parking spaces at any given time for themselves or visitors. If we continue to have problems we WILL have to start having non-authorized vehicles towed. It is expensive to get a vehicle out of the tow yard, so I hope it doesn’t come to that. Sorry to be so stern, but we all need to respect each others parking spots… as you wish yours to be respected. One tenant said she had to haul her groceries in from the street parking because both of her spots were being used by others. This is not acceptable.
Remember, if you have issues you think need addressed, please call our office and leave a message. If you have an emergency, please text message my cell or call (as a last resort). We want to be responsive to your needs but we also want our personal time respected.
Please let us know how we can make Parkside a better place to live. You can use our secure drop box (next to our office door) as a suggestion box too. We offer this as a way to make suggestions, not become an anonymous complainer!
And… don’t forget to keep checking in on this blog for the most current info on what’s happening at the complex: www.ParksideCondos.blogspot.com
Office Phone: 509-470-6012
Emergency phone: 509-670-7840 (Carol's cell)
Emergency phone: 509-670-7840 (Carol's cell)